
Swept Away


I have swept away your sins like the morning mists.
I have scattered your offenses like the clouds.
Oh, return to me, for I have paid the price to set you free.
Isaiah 44:22 NLT


Unknown said...

Oh, Francine...this scripture with this inspiring photo...all I can think to say is, "Thank you, Lord!"

Carol said...

Francine, since I read this post and saw the photo I have come back a few times, Knowing I wanted to write something so this is for you before Cami has seen it...:)

As I look to the sky and focus my eyes to the clouds, I watch the breaking of a new day, the redness and glow from the sun as it rises to melt the night mist, I feel the morning begin as it dries away the moisture from the night earth…and as the sun melts away the mist…Silently it is God who brushes away my sins and I return to Him..