
"If you live by my decrees and obediently keep my commandments, I will send the rains in their seasons, the ground will yield its crops and the trees of the field their fruit.
Leviticus 26:3, The Message
The old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," is so true. But if we can relate the things around us to God's word, then it becomes priceless. Not because of the photographer, but because of the glory that the Creator of the universe so lovingly bestows, if we take the time to just stop and look.
When I saw his photo I drew an involuntary and healthful breath...the scripture gave me goosebumps of inspiration and encouragement.
Where did you take this photo? It is beautiful...I love the vine growing over it..and this verse tells me...
God wants the best for me
Cami & Carol, thanks so much for your comments.
Sometimes I think we forget how many ways God expresses the harvest we reap when we are obedient to Him. For me, I see His blessings so many times in nature.
This photo was taken in the small farming community of Reilingen near Heidelberg, Germany, where we lived for 3 years. It seemed that no matter the season, God was presenting Himself in nature everywhere you looked.
And you are so right, Carol ... God wants the very best for us. It's hard to remember when we can't see our way through trying circumstances. I guess that's why I find comfort in nature.
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