For he will conceal me there when troubles come; he will hide me in his sanctuary. He will place me out of reach on a high rock.
Psalm 27:4-6, NLT
The old adage, "A picture is worth a thousand words," is so true. But if we can relate the things around us to God's word, then it becomes priceless. Not because of the photographer, but because of the glory that the Creator of the universe so lovingly bestows, if we take the time to just stop and look.
Oh, Francine, this says it all to my spirit; God in our Protector!
Oops--I meant is, not "in." : )
Thank you, my friend. I love this photo ... but I have to say it looks better when it's BIGGER. In case you couldn't tell, it's Ireland. I miss the raw beauty there. But when I took this photo, I never realized how it could illustrate God's words.
Love the power in those waves and the rugged shore. Wish I lived closer to the sea.
Francine, I love the mountains, I love being out in the country, I love being in gardens, but mostly I just love the ocean, I love to hear the waves crashing against the rocks talking to me....And this is Ireland, where my ancestors came from..it is a great shot; I love it..and it certainly does illustrate God's words
Thanks so much for all the comments.
This photo was taken along the Dingle Peninsula in Ireland and it's one of my absolute favorites. While I'm a desert dweller, I was captured by the raw beauty of much of Ireland's coast. So Keith, you aren't that far away.
Carol, your comments bless me as well.
that is just perfect for today, right here. pray for me, I need to be closer to Him.
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